
Diablo 4 XP event – Mother’s Blessing the perfect excuse to return to Diablo

Diablo 4 developer Blizzard is holding a special in-game event for the next week. The perfect excuse to jump back into Sanctuary, fans can grab additional XP and Gold during this week’s Mother’s Blessing event. The news was announced by Blizzard in a recent blog post, complete with exact timings and full rewards, including confirmation that effects will stack with in-game items.

“From November 20–November 27, all players will earn experience and Gold at a 35% (multiplicative) increased rate.

“Lilith blesses all her children, as this bonus applies to both Seasonal and Eternal Realms, and all World Tiers. This bonus stacks, so pair it with Elixirs and the Urn of Experience to maximize your experience gains.”

According to Blizzard, a new in-game icon can be found beside your potion count that signifies the increased rate of earning Gold and experience.

Players can use this boost to unlock Battle Pass rewards, level up character builds and ascend World Tiers.

“Gather round, stoke the fire, and rally your most savvy of companions to decimate demons with renewed fervor,” Blizzard continues.

“The Blessed Mother’s cruelty is matched by her generosity, but not for long. Rise to new heights and earn more Gold for your bloodlust during Mother’s Blessing!”

The news comes just a few days after Blizzard announced the game’s first expansion, titled Vessel of Hatred.

Taking place after the events of the main story, the downloadable content will transport players to the jungles of Nahantu.

Blizzard explains more: “For the first time since Diablo II, players can return to the land of Nahantu.

“Vessel of Hatred, the first expansion in Diablo IV, continues from where we last left the main story.

“Descending deep into the jungles of Nahantu, Neyrelle struggles to control perhaps the worst possible travel companion: the Prime Evil Mephisto.”

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